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Children Seeking Sponsors

When you sponsor a young person to go to school through a LEAP Educational Scholarship, or get critical medical assistance through a LEAP Care Sponsorship, you'll help them fulfill their dream of becoming an accountant, doctor, engineer, nurse and more, or living a healthier, more productive life!

How does LEAP work?

When you become a sponsor—a "LEAP Angel" to a young person—we'll send you a Welcome Pack and updates so you can get to know your sponsored youth. Travel with us to Guatemala and you can meet the youth you're helping and experience first-hand how your gift is transforming a life!

ANNUAL SPONSORSHIPS are also available.
Call us to set up this option: (714) 232-8669 ext. 2

Frequently asked questions

Martin P.
Monthly donation

(PRIORITY) Martin P: Medical school in his sights

Martin, 14 and the oldest of 6 children, walks two hours to school daily after working in the fields to pay for his family’s living expenses. His dream is to become a doctor. A scholarship would mean that Martin could make plans to apply to medical school after high school.
Carlos U
Monthly donation

Carlos U: Great with Numbers

Ten-year-old Carlos has a mind for math and a desire to serve his community! While his father drives a minibus to support their family of five, Carlos helps his mother with chores and feeding the family’s rabbits and chickens. His dream is to become a police officer. Help him if you can!
Eulogio L.
Monthly donation

Eulogio L: Keeping the Peace

This first-grader saw police officers on television helping others and wants to grow up to be one! His uncles work construction, but there’s no money left after expenses for grandma and 8 others—including Eulogio's single mom. Your support will help Eulogio become a police officer.
Monthly donation

Catarina R: Future Business Owner

Catarina dreams of running a business that benefits her community. In her second year of high school, she’s aiming for a college and a degree in business administration. But resources are tight for this youngest child of four. Your support will make her dream come true!
Luis M.
Monthly donation

Luis M: Athlete and Future Teacher

Luis is just 9 years old and has already decided he wants to become a teacher to educate the children of his village while he helps support his family. He is especially athletic and enjoys playing soccer as part of a local team. Thank you for considering supporting Luis so he can become a teacher!
Aida G.
Monthly donation

Aida G: Passion for education

Aida specializes in teaching children in her second year at high school. She enjoyed researching kindergartener learning techniques and her internship observing students. Her biggest dream is to become a qualified teacher and be able to work with both her passions-children and education. Your support motivates her to keep going!
Pedro L.
Monthly donation

Pedro L: Determined to Succeed!

Pedro is an older student passionate about having his own marketing agency. His father earns little as a farmer, so Pedro helps support his family. He attends university on Saturdays. Tuition and travel are expensive for Pedro. Your support will help Pedro finish college and transform his life!
Douglas B.
Monthly donation

Douglas B: A future mechanic!

Dreaming of his own mechanic shop, Douglas loves cars and engines! He can’t wait to learn more about how different models work. A second-year middle school student living with his grandparents, he helps them plant and harvest vegetables to pay the bills. Your help will make Douglas' life different!
Fernanda M.
Monthly donation

Fernanda M: A budding chef

With little time to perfect her culinary skills, Fernanda dreams of studying gastronomy and becoming a great chef. Besides middle school, she does housework, laundry for others and works in the vegetable fields to help cover her family’s expenses. Your help is a vital ingredient for Fernanda´s future in cooking.
Abigail G.
Monthly donation

Abigail G: The mission to saves lives

Having seen great need in her own family, Abigail is passionate about women's and children's medicine, and sharing her knowledge. Dreaming of becoming a gynecologist, and her goal within sight, Abigail is in her second year of medical school. Your support will bring her expertise to the whole community.
Victoria C.
Monthly donation

Victoria C: Help for sick people

Happy eight-year-old Victoria loves princess stories and caring for her chickens, pig and dog named Spike. As a second grader she wants to become a doctor to help sick people She said that doctors speak English so she would like to learn the language. Help make Victoria´s dreams come true!
Fabiana J.
Monthly donation

Fabiana J: Stories for a better future

Fifth grader Fabiana is a keen student who loves math and language but knows children who can neither read or write. She is an avid reader of stories and wants to make a difference to others by becoming a children’s teacher. Help her reach out to them and have them tell their own stories.
Martina R.
Monthly donation

Martina R: Helping others thrive

Martina, passionate about drawing and numbers, is a busy first-year middle school student who is aiming for medical school to help others thrive. Her mother works as a launderess to cover expenses with help from her four children to take care of the house. Help Martina if you can!
Lucia P.
Monthly donation

Lucia P: A secretary for San Martin!

Isabel is a fourth grader who dreams of becoming a secretary. Her mother is a laundress locally to cover family living expenses. At home, Isabel reviews her school lessons and plays with her younger brother and cat Pelusa. A scholarship would give Isabel the chance to study for the future.
Estefany L.
Monthly donation

Estefany L: Future CEO

Estefany cleans houses on weekdays to pay for her second year of high school specializing in Administration. She attends her classes at the weekends and dreams of running her own business as a university administrator to support herself and her family. Help this hard-working girl’s investment in a brighter future and fulfill her dreams.
Yoselin V.
Monthly donation

Yoselin V: More than a dessert, happiness!

Second grader Yoselin, 8, loves cooking and wants her tasty desserts to bring happiness to all her friends and family. She dreams of becoming an expert pastry chef. At her school, she loves moving in the physical education course and feels lucky to be able to study. Your support will contribute to Yoselin's sweet dreams!
Dionisio V.
Monthly donation

Dionisio V: Advocate for a better future!

Working as a credit counselor to support his family during the week, determined Dionisio, 25, studies law at the weekend as a first-year university student aiming to specialize in defending victims of crime. He dreams of a better life for himself, his wife and 3-year-old son. Thanks for your support!
Patricia L.
Monthly donation

Patricia L: An example for her son!

At 23, Patricia has resumed studying at the weekends to become a secretary and achieve financial independence for herself and her seven-year-old son, while working part time for an event company. Guitar, piano, fabric painting, and sewing are ways that she expresses her own creativity. Thanks for helping Patricia!
Samuel G.
Monthly donation

Samuel G: Passionate about music

With his father leading a church musical group, talented Samuel, 14, already plays guitar, trumpet, and violin. To become a nationally recognized musical artist, he will study music at high school next year but needs your help with bus tickets and school fees. Help move Samuel to the next level of artistry!
Priority Students.

Priority Students: LEAP Forever Fund

Once we commit to a student, it's through college graduation—even if hardship prevents their sponsor from continuing. Our Forever Fund is the safety net that ensures an uninterrupted education, and that we're always there to support our student's hopes and dreams! We list these students as a Priority to connect them quickly to a caring sponsor.